Herbal Hills Juice 500ml Pack of 2 Aloe Vera Rs. 165, Diabohills Rs. 165, Trimohills Rs. 197 – Amazon

herbal-hillsAloe Vera: Natural Healthy Tonic for all, Immunity Booster, Acts as an anti-oxidant, Blood circulation, Overcomes nutritional deficiancy, Helpful for Healthy Digestion.
Diabohills: Maintains Healthy Blood Sugar level, Rich in Phyto Nutrients like Dietary fiber, Minerals, Vitamins & anti oxidants, Helps prevent excess sugar absorption, Improves muscles, tissues, Helps in detoxifying the blood, Helps to protect tissues.
Trimohills: Helps improving the body metabolism, Natural appetite suppressor & acts as anti-oxidant, It stimulates the metabolic ratge & is a Immunity booster, Helps to detoxify and cleanse body, Helps in Weight Management.

Buy Herbal Hills Juice 500ml Pack of 2: Aloe Vera Rs. 165 (50% off) | Diabohills Rs. 165 (58% off) | Trimohills Rs. 197 (50% off) | More Health & Personal Care

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