Hicks Hixlon Antiseptic Liquid 100ml Pack of 2 Rs. 33 – ShopClues

hicks-hixlonShopClues has Hicks Hixlon Antiseptic Liquid 100ml Pack of 2 for Rs. 33. Features effective on all types of minor cuts, bruises and wounds & It does not sting and therfore helps heal without hurting.

15% off Max Discount Rs. 300 Coupon: SCN15OMG

Buy: Hicks Hixlon Antiseptic Liquid 100ml Pack of 2

16 Responses to "Hicks Hixlon Antiseptic Liquid 100ml Pack of 2 Rs. 33 – ShopClues"

  1. Most times all jaw dropping deals products are duplicate I had experience few times…though I bought laptops and mobiles from shopclues and verify them from the service center and they are real.

    beware of cheap…it may cost you a lot if they are medical products

  2. Ruchir is correct..I tried myself most of the products on shopclues sold uder outrageous or jaw dropping are duplicates…

  3. Friends,
    1-Somebody at SMI has posted that the Revital frm SC made him ill and had to visit hospital.He claims a reputed lab in its report said it was duplicate even if not poison. Banlab was the vendor if u remember.Read in full@SMI
    2-The handkerchiefs by Arrow we all know
    3-Revlon 600 ml Shampoo sold by tattvah;anybody who used it did not have to go to lab if he is not a complete dork.Not confused with equiv sold by Aleva.
    4-Many at other forums like Garnier etc which I can’t prove but they are much more knowledgeable persons and maharathi.
    5-Since these are not toxic etc,toiletries we can NEVER be sure as no-one goes to lab.Very difficult to identify most.Take it to market and ask expert shopkeepers,see the ditto model.Sure we will end up with many surprises.
    6-Things like laptop,Logitech mouse etc are difficult to copy;they are safe thereby.
    7-The most serious thing is medicine and is it not that duplicate medicine it has a market and goes unnoticed as they are harmless cheap glucose etc things which do not cause harm and windfall profits go to the monsters.but doesn’t do the job.Other right meds may correct the disease(2 others genuine,1 dupli) or patient thinks not working and changes the doctor.There medicine may be genuine and new doctor gets the credit.
    8-Almost all great deals relates to toiletries and almost all very hard to decide.Park Avenue soap is good but how can we say it indeed is made by Park Avenue.Outer is easy but what is inside,butter etc or simply aroma and normal TFM etc.

  4. @Ruchir

    Which cases are you referring here “After being criticized for selling duplicate products and counterfeit toiletries and caught red handed “, any supporting links will be appreciated.

  5. After being criticized for selling duplicate products and counterfeit toiletries and caught red handed Shopclues is making extra efforts and doing tricks to cover that and distract and open a new catchy and lucrative front.Not for selling but to change the topic and be in news for good reasons

  6. Product just listed and sold out ? What is this Shopclues ? Agar bechna nahi he to kyu List karte ho………………

  7. Hicks Hixlon Antispetic Liquid 100ml Pack of 2.

    First The Spelling is incorrect it Should be Antiseptic.
    And Already Sold Out in Just 5 Minutes.

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